This section includes pieces from my Psychology Today Blog, “A Different Lens,” as well as others that will be written here exclusively. Watch this space!

How to Think of Your Own Needs First

Is it your default to think of others' needs before your own?

How to Talk to Your Teenager

Feeling at a loss about how to talk to your teen? It's not only possible but easier than you may think to maintain a close relationship during this time of their development.

Can Music Save the World?

A Personal Perspective: The Tracy Chapman/Luke Combs duet at the Grammies reflects our best hopes for the world.

How to Date Smarter Online

Demoralized by online dating? Here are ways to do it while protecting your time and self-esteem.

What Psych 101 Students Really Need to Know

Among all the subjects taught in Psych 101, students need to learn about the importance of sleep or deal with harmful consequences.

Self-Care for Over-Extended Parents

With autumn—and taking care of children's needs—in full swing, here's how parents can focus on themselves and avoid burnout.

 What Would a Less Racially Diverse Campus Mean?

Although the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling ending race-conscious affirmative action in college admissions did not come as a surprise, I was surprised by the magnitude of sadness I felt when it was announced…

Looking for a Summer Movie With Depth?

"Past Lives" explores the pain and "what ifs" of leaving a life behind.

Not sure how you're doing as a parent? Grab a pen and paper.

Why Michelle Yeoh's Oscar-Nominated Role Matters

Yeoh's Oscar nomination is a huge moment for Asian American women everywhere.

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Cultural rituals connect us to the past and each other. Though they evolve and change in a new cultural context, they are vital to who we are.

A personal perspective: How can we respond when grief upon grief tumbles into our lives?

Better Than a Resolution? Try a New Year's Intention

Are New Year's resolutions more chains than wings? Try a new approach.

Asian-American adolescents are experiencing high levels of anxiety and depression. What's behind the trend and how can parents help?

The Heavy Toll of Racism

What are the health and mental health effects of racist remarks such as those made by the Los Angeles City Council president?