dorothy chin ph.d.


Curriculum Vitae


1981-1985 Stanford University, Human Biology (A.B., 1985)

1986-1988 University of Hawaii, Clinical Psychology (M.A., 1988, Ph.D., 1994)

1988-1989 New York University, Doctoral work in Community Psychology

1991-1992 LA County + USC Hospital, Clinical Psychology Internship

1995-1997 University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, (Postdoctoral Fellowship: Neurobiology and Psychobiology of HIV/AIDS)


1998 -  Present Board of Psychology, California PSY 15727


Writing Fellowship (Nonfiction), Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, 2023

Nominated, Faculty Excellence Award, Santa Monica College, 2022

Honorable Mention, Scientific Abstract Award,  Loeb, T., Juaregui, J.,Wyatt, G., Chin, D.., Hamilton, A., Zhang, M. Holloway, I., Patron, J. (2020). Trauma and Adversity as a Predictor of HIV Stigma: The Moderating Role of Gender Role Conflict in a Community Sample of HIV-Seropositive Black Men. 11th Annual International Conference on  Stigma: Faces of Stigma.  Howard University, Washington, D.C. November 20.

The Healing Our Women Intervention (Principal Investigator) designated as an evidenced-based program by the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP) by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration SAMHSA), 2015

Women’s History Month Honoree, Santa Monica College, 2000

Research Fellowship, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, 1996

Invited Participant, NIDA Training in Research on Special Populations, 1995

Pacific Asian Scholarship, University of Hawaii, 1989-1991

Stanford University Scholarship, 1981-1985


Consulting Editor, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 2024 - present

Member-At-Large, American Psychological Association Div 56 (Trauma Psychology)2020 - present

Board Member, Lotus Project, Center for Asian American and Asian Immigrant Child-Informed Care and Prevention, Public Health Institute 2018 - present

Reviewer: Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy,  Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Journal of  HIV/AIDS and Social Services; Anthropocene;  Journal of Traumatic Stress; Medical Care; Social Science and Medicine; AIDS and Behavior; Sage Publications; Journal of Social Issues , Ongoing


2003 - Associate Research Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA.  Conduct research on: trauma and its psychological effects; culture; HIV/AIDS; health behaviors.

1998 - 2003 Assistant Research Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA.  Conducted research on: trauma and its psychological effects; culture; HIV/AIDS; health behaviors.

1995-1998 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Interdisciplinary Training Program in the Neurobiology and Psychobiology of HIV/AIDS, UCLA.  Conducted studies examining the role of culture and acculturation in the prevention and intervention of HIV/AIDS. 

1993-1994 Research Specialist, University Affiliated Program, University of  Hawaii.  Assisted in the design, data analysis, and coordination of a federally-funded project promoting psychosocial skills among children with developmental disabilities.

1989-1991 Research Specialist, Evaluation, Research, and Training Institute, School of  Social Work, University of Hawaii.  Designed and administered evaluations of social welfare programs in the community.

1989 Research Associate, Center for Community Research and Action, New York University.  Assisted in data collection and analysis for a longitudinal study examining risk and protective factors among at-risk  youth.


2001 - 2003 Staff Psychologist, Psychological Services, Santa Monica College.

1992-1994 Clinical Supervisor, Clinical Studies Program, Department of Psychology, University of Hawaii.  Supervised graduate students on personality, cognitive, and behavioral assessment.

1991-1992 Psychology Intern, Los Angeles County – USC Medical Center.  Completed one-year APA accredited pre-doctoral internship in clinical psychology.  Conducted assessments of and provided individual and group therapy to children, adolescents, and adults.  Rotations included outpatient, inpatient, psychiatric ER, and forensic psychology.  Conducted post-trauma interventions with children in Koreatown schools after the L.A. uprising. Supervisors: John Briere, Ph.D., Linda Weinberger, Ph.D., Norm Tiber, Ph.D., Frank Acosta, Ph.D.

1989-1990 Predoctoral Psychology Intern, Kapiolani Counseling Center, Honolulu,  Hawaii.  Conducted assessments of and provided individual and group therapy to children and adults.   Supervisor: June Ching, Ph.D.

1987-1988 Substance Abuse Counselor, Salvation Army Addiction Treatment Facility, Honolulu, Hawaii.  Provided group, couple, and individual therapy and counseling for outpatient substance abuse clients.


1999 - Professor, Psychology Department, Santa Monica College.  

1993 Instructor, College of Continuing Education, University of Hawaii.

1985-1986 Head Teaching Assistant, Human Biology Program, Stanford University

1981-1984 Tutor, Upward Bound Program, University of San Francisco and Stanford University.  


2022 - Psychology Today Blog “A Different Lens: Psychology from a Multicultural, Working Class, and Woman-Centered Perspective”

1999 Commentator, Marketplace, Public Radio International

1991- 2001 Commentator, Pacific News Service.  

1984-1986 Community Organizer, Mid-Peninsula Youth and Community Services,  East Palo Alto, CA.  Wrote grant proposals to obtain funding for job training for adolescent parents. Worked with community members to organize tutoring and childcare services.


Evaluation Consultant, The Unity Roadtrip Project, Richmond Area Multi-Services, San Francisco, 2023-2024. Provided evaluation research framework and procedures for a historical site roadtrip for African American and Chinese American girls to raise consciousness and foster inter-group relationships.

Committee Member, Chinese Workers Task Force, Stanford University, 2024. The task force seeks to develop ways to recognize the role and contributions of Chinese workers to the founding of Stanford University.

Member-at-Large, Division 56 (Trauma Psychology), American Psychological Association, 2020 - present

CHANGE Grant Reviewer, APA Division 56 (Trauma Psychology) 2019 - present

Guest Editor, Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Public Health Disparities Research Topic, 2023

Book Proposal Reviewer, Division 45 (Culture and Ethnicity), American Psychological Association Publications, 2021. 

Mentor, Fogarty International Collaborative Program, South African post-doctoral scholars, 2014 - present

Co-Director, Sociocultural Core, UCLA AIDS Institute, 2007 - 2016

Co-Director, Measurement Unit, Methods Core, The Center for Culture, Trauma, and Mental Health Disparities, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, UCLA. 2006-2011

Grant Reviewer, UCLA AIDS Institute, 2007 - 2022

Grant Review Committee, Ad-Hoc Member, Demography and Population Studies Branch, National Institute on Child Health and Development, 2001 - 2002

Editorial Board Psychological Assessment, 2002 - 2004; Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 1998- 2007; Psychology of Women Quarterly, 1999 – 2006

Co-Editor, Special Issue, HIV and Ethnic Minority Women, Families, and Communities, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, August, 1999.

Consultant, HIV Risk Among Female Asian Massage Parlor Workers in San Francisco. UCSF; Funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (PI: Tooru Nemoto, Ph.D.) , 2001-2005

Consultant, Neighborhood Mapping Project, Funded by the Getty Research Institute. Provided consultation on research methodology on a project he psychological aspects involving cognitive mapping of neighborhoods by high school students. 


Co-Investigator, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health. Enhancing patient and organizational readiness for cardiovascular risk reduction among ethnic minority patients living with HIV. 2018- present

 Investigator, The Validation and Adaptation of a Trauma and Diversity Screener for Diverse Populations, Funded by the UCLA School of Medicine Centers for Excellence and The UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences. this study aims to validate and adapt a trauma and adversity screener (the UCLA LADS) for use with diverse populations. 2017 - 2019  .

Investigator, The Center for Culture, Trauma, and Mental Health Disparities,  Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, 2006-2011. The center oversaw four studies which examined the causes and correlates of mental health disparities among ethnic, sociocultural, and socioeconomic groups.

Principal Investigator, Healing Our Women: Capacity Building for Integrated Services in HIV and Trauma, Dissemination and adaptation of an intervention into community-based organizations to reach groups of women. Funded by the California Endowment, 2004-2007.  Led to the Healing our Women Intervention being registered in  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP). 

Co-Investigator, Testing a Model of Risk Reduction for HIV-Positive Women With Histories of Child Sexual Abuse, Funded by NIMH, 2000-2004. Tested an integrated trauma/HIV intervention for women with histories of childhood sexual abuse.  

Co-Principal Investigator, Women and HIV: Four Stories.  Funded by the UCLAAIDS Institute, 1997. This study created a documentary film about women from different ethnocultural backgrounds and their experience with HIV.

Co-Principal Investigator, HIV-Related Risks among Asian/Pacific Islander Women in Los Angeles County.  Funded by the UCLA AIDS Institute, 1996. Examined risk among A/PI women in Los Angeles County.  Led to the first published study on A/PI women and HIV.

Co-Investigator, BARR Core Grant, UCLA AIDS Institute, 1998 - 2000



Mann, E., Ikeda, Y., Mueller, C., Takahashi, A., Tao, K., Humris, E., Li, B., & Chin, D. (1992).  Cross-cultural differences in rating hyperactive-disruptive behaviors in children.  American Journal of Psychiatry, 149, 1539-1542.

Romero, G., Wyatt, G., Chin, D., & Rodriguez, C. (1999). HIV-related behaviors among recently immigrated and undocumented Latinas.  International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 18(1), 89-105.

Chin, D. (1999).  HIV-related sexual risk assessment among Asian/Pacific Islander women: An inductive model.  Social Science and Medicine, 49(2), 241-252.

Chin, D., & Kroesen, K. (1999).  Disclosure of HIV infection among Asian/Pacific Islander women: Cultural stigma and support.  Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 5(3), 222-235.

Wyatt, G., Axelrod, J., Chin, D., Carmona, J., & Loeb, T. (2000). Examining patterns of vulnerability to domestic violence among African American Women.  Violence Against Women, 6 (5), 495-514.

Wyatt, G.E., Vargas-Carmona, J., Loeb, T.B., Guthrie, D., Chin, D., & Gordon, G. (2000). Factors affecting HIV contraceptive decision-making among women. Sex Roles, 42 (8), 495-521.

Sneed, C., Chin, D., Rotheram-Borus, M., Milburn, N., Murphy, D., Corby, N., & Fahey, J. (2001).  Test-retest reliability for self-reports of sexual behavior among Thai and Korean respondents.  AIDS Education and Prevention, 13(4), 302-310.

Lieber, E., Chin, D., Nihara, K., & Mink, I. (2001).  Holding on and letting go: Identity and acculturation among Chinese American immigrants. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 7(3), 247-261.

Wyatt, G.E., Myers, H.F., Williams, J.K., Kitchen, C.R., Loeb, T., Carmona, J.V., Wyatt, L.E., Chin, D., & Presley, N. (2002). Does a history of trauma contribute to HIV risk for women of color? Implications for prevention and policy.  American Journal of Public Health, 92(4), 660-665.

Chin, D. & Kameoka, V. (2002).  Psychosocial and contextual predictors of educational and occupational self-efficacy among Hispanic inner-city adolescents.  Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 24(4), 448-464.

Loeb, T., Wyatt, G.E., Williams, J., Carmona, J.V., Chin, D., Rivkin, I., & Asuan-O’Brien, A. (2002).  The effects of childhood sexual abuse on adolescent and adult sexual functioning.  Annual Review of Sex Research.  Pp. 307-345.

Wyatt, G. E., Longshore, D., Chin, D., Carmona, J.V., Loeb, T.B., Myers, H.F., Warda, U., Liu., H., Rivkin, I. (2004). The efficacy of an integrated risk reduction intervention for HIV-positive women with child sexual abuse histories.  AIDS and Behavior, 8(4), 453-462.  

Myers, H.F., Wyatt, G.E., Loeb, T., Carmona, J.V., Warda, U., Longshore, D., Rivkin, I., Chin, D., Liu, H.H.  (2006).  Severity of Child Sexual Abuse, Post- Traumatic Stress and Risky Sexual Behaviors Among HIV-Positive Women.  AIDS and Behavior , 10(2), 191-199.

Rivkin, I., Gustafson, J., Weingarten, I., & Chin, D. (2006). The Effects of Expressive Writing on Adjustment to HIV.  AIDS and Behavior, 10(1), 13-26.

Longshore, D., Stein, J., & Chin, D. (2006).  Pathways to sexual risk reduction: Gender differences and strategies for intervention. AIDS and Behavior, 10(1), 93-104.

Vafors, M., Chin, D., & DeMarinis, V. (2008) Stressors, Anxiety and Adjustment among International and North American Students.  International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 32 (3), 244-259.  

Lieber, E., Chin, D., Li, L., Rotheram-Borus M., Detels, R., Wu, Z., Guan, J., and the NIMH Collaborative Prevention Trial Group (2009). Sociocultural Contexts and Communication about Sex in China: Informing HIV/STD Prevention Programs.  AIDS Education and Prevention,, 21 (5), 415-429.

Wyatt, G.E., Hamilton, A.B., Myers, H.F., Ullman, J.B., Chin, D., Sumner, L., Loeb, T.B., Carmona, J.V., Zhang, M., & Liu, H. (2011).  Violence prevention among HIV-positive women with histories of violence: Healing women in their communities.  Women’s Health Issues 21-61, S255-S260.

Chin, D. Myers, H., Zhang, M. Loeb, T., Ullman, J., Wyatt, G., & Carmona, J. (2014).  Who improved in a trauma intervention for HIV-positive women with child sexual abuse histories? Psychological Trauma:Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 6(2):152-158 doi: 10.1037/aa0032180

Liu, H., Prause, N., Wyatt, G.E., Williams, J.K., Chin, D., Davis, T., Loeb, T., Marchand, E., Zhang, M., & Myers, H. F.  (2015). Development of a composite trauma exposure risk index.  Psychological Assessment, 27(3), 965-74.

Myers, H.F., Wyatt, G.E., Ullman, J.B., Loeb, T.B., Chin, D., Prause, N., Zhang, M., Williams, J.K., Slavich, G.M., & Liu, H. (2015). Cumulative burden of lifetime adversities: Trauma and mental health in low-SES African Americans and Latino/as. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, Policy, 7(3):243-51. doi: 10.1037/a0039077

Subramaney, N. Wyatt, G. Williams, J. & Chin, D. (2015) Depressive and post-traumatic stress symptoms following termination of pregnancy in South African women: A longitudinal study measuring the effects of chronic burden, crisis support and resilience.  South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde 105(11):934 · DOI: 10.7196/SAMJ.2015.v105i11.9394

Loeb, T.B., Joseph, N. T., Wyatt, G. E., Zhang, M., Chin, D., Thames, A.,& Aswad, Y. (2018). Predictors of somatic symptom severity: The role of cumulative history of trauma and adversity in a diverse community sample. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 10(5). PMID 29154595 

Prause, N., Williams, J., Loeb, T, Chin, D., Liu, H., Wyatt, G (2018). Relationships between Urinary Dopamine and Sexual Activity of Men and Women with Histories of Trauma. Journal of Sex Research.

Chin, D., and Kameoka, V. (2019)  Mentoring Asian-American Scholars: Cultural Stereotypes and Values.  American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.  89 (3), [EMID:a53c0028c338097b]

Wyatt, G., Chin, D., Milburn, N., Hamilton, A., Lopez, S., Kim, A., Stone, J., Belcher, H. (2019) Mentoring the Mentors of Students From Diverse Backgrounds for Research. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 89(3), 

Hamilton, A. B., Brown, A., Loeb, T.B., Chin, D., Cooley-Strickland, M., Liu, H., Wyatt, G. E. (2020). Enhancing patient and organizational readiness for cardiovascular Risk reduction among ethnic minority patients living with HIV: Study protocol. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 63(2), 101-108.

Chin, D.,, Loeb, T., Zhang, M., Liu, H., Cooley-Strickland, M., & Wyatt, G.. (2020). Ethnic and Racial Discrimination: Components and Relation to Psychological Distress.  American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Http://

Loeb, T. B., Ebor, M. T., Smith, A. M., Chin, D., Novacek, D. M., Hampton-Anderson, J. N., Wyatt, G. E. (2020). How mental health professionals can address disparities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Traumatology. Advance online publication.

Hamilton, A. B., Brown, A., Loeb, T.B., Chin, D., Cooley-Strickland, M., Liu, H., Wyatt, G. E. (2020). Enhancing patient and organizational readiness for cardiovascular Risk reduction among ethnic minority patients living with HIV: Study protocol. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 63(2), 101-108.

Davis, T. D., Loeb, T. B., Chin, D., Sepeng, N.V., Maselesele, M.D., Park, J., Zhang, M., Cooley Strickland, M., Wyatt, G. E., Physical and Gynecological Outcomes among South African Women Survivors of Rape. Invest Gynecol Res Women’s Health. 3(5). IGRWH. 000575. 

Loeb, T.B., Jauregui, J.C., Wyatt, G.E., Zhang, M., Chin, D., Hamilton, A., & Holloway, I.  (2021). Cumulative trauma and adversity as a predictor of HIV stigma: The moderating role of gender role conflict in a community sample of HIV-seropositive Black men. Men and Masculinities,

Chin, D., Smith-Clapham, A., Wyatt, G.E. (2023). Race-based trauma and post-traumatic growth through identity transformation. Frontiers in Psycholology,

Wyatt, G. E., Loeb, T. B., Cooley-Strickland, M., Chin, D., Wyatt, L. E., & Smith-Clapham, A. M. (2023). Novel methodologies using history to document the effects of African American sexual trauma: Perspectives of Gail E. Wyatt, PhD.American Psychologist, 78(4), 563–575.

Wyatt, G. E., Chin, D., Loeb, T. B., Norwood-Scott, E., McEwan, J.A., Zhang, M., Smith- Clapham, S. M., Cooley-Strickland, M., Trinidad, C., Flint, J. R., Wells, Y., Divinity, R., and Liu, H. (2023). Women-Centered Program for Women of Color (WC4WC): A Community-Based Participatory, Culturally Congruent Sexual Health Intervention in Los Angeles County. American Public Health Journal, 113, S110- S114.

Wyatt, GE, Chin, D., Loeb, TB, et al. (2023), Women-Centered Program for Women of Color (WC4WC): A community-based participatory, culturally-congruent sexual health intervention in Los Angeles County, California. American Journal of Public Health. 113 (S2):110-S114. Doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2023.307296

Tamra Burns Loeb, Graciella I Albarran, Ethan Lee, Jenna Alarcon Mcewan, Karen E Dyer, Michele Cooley-Strickland, Enricka Norwood-Scott, Kate Ramm, David Kesblyan, Aleeja Barnes, Derek Novacek and Dorothy Chin. (2024).  Identifying social determinants of health in populations exposed to structural inequities: A qualitative study of the COVID-19 pandemic experiences of Black and Latinx people living with HIV and cardiovascular risks. Frontiers in Public Health

Chin, D., Loeb, T., Zhang, M., Cooley-Strickland, M., Pemberton, J.V., & Wyatt, G.. (In review).  Race-based social rejection and mental health: The role of ethnic identity


Wyatt, G., & Chin, D. (1999). HIV and ethnic minority women, families, and communities: An overview. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 5(3), 179-182.

Kroesen, K., Chin, D., Gallimore, R., Ryan, G., Subramanian, S., Takeuchi, D.T., Tucker, B., & Weisner, T. (1998).  Qualitative tools for multimethod research: A guide to the literature.  Sociobehavioral Group, Division of Social and Community Psychiatry,  Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles.


Chin, D., Takeuchi, D.T., & Suh, D. (2000).   Access to health care among Chinese Korean, and Vietnamese Americans.  In C. Hogue, MA. Hargraves, & K.S. Collins (Eds.)  Minority Health in America: Findings and Policy Implications from the Commonwealth Fund Minority health Survey,  Hopkins University Press.

Wyatt, G., Loeb, T., Carmona, J., Ayala, A., & Chin, D. (2002).  Sexual abuse.  In G.M. Wingood and R.J. DiClemente (Eds.), Handbook of Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health.  New York: Kluwer Academic Press.

Chin, D., Wyatt, G., Carmona, J., Loeb, T., & Myers, H.F. (2004).  Child sexual abuse and HIV: An integrative risk reduction approach.  In L. Koenig, A. O’Leary, L. Doll, & W. Pecquegnat,, (Eds.), From Child Sexual Abuse to Adult Sexual Risk: Trauma, Revictimization, and Intervention.  Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, Pp. 233-250.

Chin, D., & Kameoka, V. (2006).  Sociocultural Influences of Adult Psychopathology.  In F. Andrasik (Volume Ed.) and M. Hersen & J.C. Thomas (Eds), Comprehensive Handbook of Personality and Psychopathology, Vol. 2: Adult Psychopathology.  New York: Wiley.

Sumner. L., Wyatt, G., Glover, D., Carmona, J., Loeb, T., Henderson, T., Chin, D., & Regan, R. (2010).  Childhood sexual abuse, African-American women, and HIV risk.  In McCree, D.H., Jones, K.T., & O’Leary, A., Eds. African Americans and HIV/AIDS: Understanding and Addressing the Epidemic. New York: Springer, Pp. 131-150.

Lieber, E., Boutakidis, I., & Chin, D. (2013).  Stigma, modernization, and infection risk among Chinese youth.  In Liamputtong, P. (Ed.) Stigma, Discrimination, and Living with AIDs: A Cross-Cultural Perspective.  Springer. Pp. 247-258.


Chin, D., Clapham, A., & Wyatt, G. (2024).  Post-Traumatic Growth Following Race-Based Trauma: Identity Narratives to Facilitate Growth.  American Psychological Association Convention, Seattle, August 7 to Aug 10, 2024

Loeb, T.B., Chin, D., Ramm, K., Beasley, Q., Viducich, I., Chen, E.L., Wyatt, G.E, Brown, A.F., & Hamilton, A (2022). A Qualitative Study of COVID-19 Vaccine Perceptions in Under Resourced, HIV-Seropositive, Black and Latinx Individuals with Cardiovascular Risks. Abstract submitted to the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture.

Loeb, T., Juaregui, J., Wyatt, G., Chin, D.., Hamilton, A., Zhang, M. Holloway, I., Patron, J. (2020). Trauma and Adversity as a Predictor of HIV Stigma: The Moderating Role of Gender Role Conflict in a Community Sample of HIV-Seropositive Black Men. 11th Annual International Conference on Stigma: Faces of Stigma.  Howard University, Washington, D.C. Novemember 2020.

Chin, D., Wyatt, G., Hamilton, A., Brown, A., Loeb, T., Smith, A. (2020).  Implementing a Community-Based Trauma and Heart Health Intervention for HIV+ Individuals.  Poster presentation at the 36th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies: Bridging Science and Practice to Reach Underserved Communities: Barriers, Opportunities and Innovations. November 4 - 14, 2020.  

Chin, D., Loeb, T., & Cale, W. (May, 2014). The Contributions of Somatic & Depressive Symptoms to Perceived Health Among a Community Sample of Women with Childhood Sexual Abuse Histories.  Poster presented at the Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture, San Diego, California 

Henderson, T., Wyatt, G.E., Chin, D. (2008) Disseminating an intervention for women with histories of childhood sexual abuse.  136th American Public Health Association (APHA) Meeting and Exposition, October, 2008.

Wyatt, G.E., Myers, H.F., Williams, J.K., Ramirez-Kitchen, C., Loeb, T., Carmona, J., Wyatt, LE., Chin, D., & Presley, N. (2002).  Does a history of trauma contribute to HIV risk for women of color?  XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

Wyatt, G.E., Carmona, J.V., Chin, D., Loeb, T., Myers, H.F., Longshore, D., & Axelrod, J. (2002).  HIV and Child Sexual Abuse: An integrative risk reduction approach. XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

Chin, D. (1998).  Disclosure of HIV among Asian American Women.  In H. Coons (Chair), Stress, coping, and resilience in women living with HIV and AIDS.  Symposium presented at the 106th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco.

Chin, D., & Axelrod, J. (1998).  Women and HIV: Four Stories.  Documentary video presented at the 106th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco.

Chin, D., Durvasula, R., & Wyatt, G. (1997).  HIV-related risk and adjustment among Asian/Pacific Islander and Native American women.  In G. Wyatt (Chair), A continuum of risk: Examining the impact of HIV on women.  National Conference on Women and HIV, Pasadena, CA.

Romero, G., Wyatt, G., & Chin, D. (1996).  HIV risks among recently immigrated Latina women.  Poster presented at the Women’s Health Conference, Washington, D.C.

Burchfiel, S., Chin, D., & Sholdt, G. (1994).  The Psychosocial Enhancement Project: Cnceptualization and implementation of a community-based approach for youth with emotional and behavioral problems.   Symposium presented at the Fourth Annual Virginia Beach Conference on Children and Adults with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders, Virginia.

Chin, D., & Kameoka, V. (1994).  Determinants of educational expectation among inner-city youth in Los Angeles.  Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, Los Angeles.

Mann, E., Takahashi, A., Humris, E., Tao, K., Mueller, C., & Chin, D. (1991).  Determining rater bias in assessing hyperactive behaviors.  Paper presented at the Third ASEAN Congress on Psychiatry and Mental Health and the Seventh ASEAN Forum on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Kuala Lumpur.

Vitousek, K., & Chin, D. (1990).  Defining perfectionism: Popular and clinical conceptions.  In R. Frost (Chair), Perfectionism: Meaning, measurement, and relation to psychopathology.  Symposium presented at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Francisco.


Chin, D. (2024).  Race-based trauma and post-traumatic growth: Implications for counseling and education.  Michael D. Eisner College of Education, California State University, Northridge. April 23, 2024

Wyatt, G.E., Cooley-Strickland, M., Loeb., T., & Chin, D. (2023) Emergent Behavioral Health: Critical issues in the pandemic era.  Emergent Behavioral Health Conference, Luskin Center, UCLA. April 27-29, 2023.

Chin, D. (2023).  Race-based trauma and post-traumatic growth.  Spring Institute of the HA-STTP Program, Luskin Center, UCLA, April 26, 2023.

Chin, D. (2020). Cross-cultural issues in clinical research, assessment, and diagnosis. AAPI Mental Health Conference, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, Feb. 22, 2020.

Wyatt, G., Loeb, T., Chin, D., (2017). Creating a trauma and adversity screener for diverse populations.  The Way Forward: Advancing Mental Health Equity in California. Centers for Excellence Disparities Conference.  

Aswad, Y., Loeb, T. B., Wyatt, G. E., Chin, D., Thames, A., & Zhang, M. (2016). Predictors of Somatic Symptom Severity in a Multiethnic Study of Women and Men: The Role of Cumulative History of Trauma and Adversity. Poster session presented at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.

Manegold, J., Loeb, T., Chin, D., Zhang, M., Brejcha, W., Aswad, Y., & Wyatt, G. (2017).  Lifetime Adversity And Health-Related Quality of Life. Poster session presented at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.

Chin, D. (2003).  Culture and HIV.  Think Tank on Women, HIV, and Violence.  UCLA, June, 2003

Chin, D., Carmona, J., & Villareal, A. (2001).  Recruitment and Retention of Families in Research.  NIMH Conference on The Role of Families in Preventing and Adapting to HIV/AIDS. Los Angeles, July, 2001.

Chin, D. (1999).  Disclosure of HIV Infection among Asian/Pacific Islander women: Cultural Stigma and Support.  The Los Angeles HIV Research & Community Colloquia, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, September, 1999.

Chin, D. (1999).  HIV-related risk and adjustment among Asian/Pacific Islander American women.  Division of Social and Community Psychiatry Research Rounds, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA, June, 1999.

Chin, D. (1998).  HIV-related sexual communication among Asian/Pacific Islander women.  Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine Seminar, UCLA.

Chin, D. (1998).  Modeling HIV risks among Asian/Pacific Islander women.  Second Annual National Symposium on Overcoming Barriers to Condom Use, Los Angeles.

Chin, D. (1995).  Cross-cultural issues in evaluations of HIV/AIDS programs: Examples for Asian American groups.  In M. Kipke (Chair), Culturally sensitive and appropriate evaluation and measurement.  Panel presented at the Evaluation Conference for the Special Projects of National Significance, Washington, D.C.

Chin, D., & Lee, G. (1995).  Asking questions in interviews, questionnaires, and focus groups.  In J. Heinonen (Chair), Going from program description to evaluation report.  Panel presented at the Evaluation Conference for the Special Projects of National Significance, Washington, D.C.


Chin, D. (1990).  Graduate education and the disadvantaged student.  Focus: Newsletter of the Division for the Study of Minority Issues, 4(2), 4-5.

Loeb, T. B. & Chin, D. (Dec 10, 2020). Four ways to reduce the COVID racial gap. The Conversation.

Loeb, T. B, Chin, D. (Dec 10, 2020). 4 ways to reduce the COVID racial gap. The Conversation.

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HM 606 Romero, G., Wyatt, G., Chin, D., & Rodriguez, C. (1999). HIV-related behaviors among recently immigrated and undocumented Latinas.  International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 18(1), 89-105. Women in Global Migration, 1945-2000: A Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Bibliography.  (Eleanor O. Hofstetter) Greenwood Press, 2001.


Documentary Video, Women and HIV: Four Stories. 1997

Blog, Psychology Today: A Different Lens: Psychology from a Multicultural, Working-Class, and Woman-Centered Perspective.